Kings Kaleidoscope

Kings Kaleidoscope is a faith-based alternative rock band from Seattle that produces music similar to a band by the name of AJR. However, unlike AJR who promotes drugs and profanity, Kings Kaleidoscope presents hopefully and faith-based themes.


Current members:

Favorite Songs:

Sometimes Phoenix

This song is a song about how sometimes your a fiery phoenix of strength and power and sometimes, you don't measure up. This song first introduced me to the band so it HAS to be on the list of songs!

The Beauty Between (feat. Andy Mineo)

I really like Andy Mineo (another great artist) and the theme of that song. A song about how through their religion, they have found even through there are ups and downs in life, they see this beautiful between where they find grace and love.


Now every song is very good, so limiting it to three was hard. However, this song has been speaking to me and looping throughout my playlist. It's another song of hope, show how without Christ, he keeps stepping backwards. But even with that, there is redemption with repentance.